Friday 21 December 2012


                                                  To your enemy, forgiveness.
                                                  To an opponent, tolerance.
                                                  To a friend, your heart.
                                                  To a customer, service.
                                                  To all, charity.
                                                  To every child, a good example.
                                                  To you , respect
To yourself, respect.

Thursday 13 December 2012

                            JUST FOR YOU 

   Hey, do you want to improve your financial capability in upcoming years? I assume it would be essential to invest in share market . Bcz next  couple of years will be great for indian markets. But strictly on quality stocks with reasonable price. DONT BE GREEDY, DONT BE PANIC. Just invest ur 1000 or 10000 Rs in good stocks and wait 12 -40 months. If want to know  about good stocks  the contact me. ( as its only my personal stock selection)

 Do you like December? 
   After the heavy rain and storm, before the hot summer days.. our favourite Deccember come with cool snowy mornings and hanging stars.. Its the month of new hopes and wishes... Let the December bring u blissful........